Tag: Old billy

Old billy.


OLD BILLY – (Answer each question in the space below)

  1. In which country did Billy live?  NSW, australia.


  1. What word in the story tells us that Billy lived alone? Alone


  1. What was Billy’s cart made from? Wood.


  1. Tommy did not like to work in his garden. True OR False? True


  1. What word tells us that the path to Tommy’s house was not smooth? Old brick house.


  1. How did Billy know if Tommy was home? He would look down at the chime.


  1. This story took place about (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) years ago?  60


  1. How many times would Billy go to Piperidge with wood in a month? Once a week.


  1. Why couldn’t Billy take his horse and cart to Tommy’s house? The bridge was too narrow.


  1. Which word tells us that Billy lived close to the town of Piperidge’â  Nearby town.




Hello today we were reading about ” Old billy” we had to answer these questions that my teacher gave to u. Here is the positive quote for today “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” Hope you have a great day/night or afternoon.