Month: July 2023

Defending the Dark.

Today we are learning about the affect of light pollution and what it can do to the environment. We had to read a book about light pollution and what some fact about how stars. Here is the positive quote for today “Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” have an amazing Day/night or afternoon!

Grouping Shapes.

Today we are learning about the 2D shapes and there corners. On the 5th page we’re finding the odds of the 2D shape.Here is the positive quote for the day “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” Hope you have a great day?night or afternoon!

Sam Gyup Sal/My Traditional Dish: Pani popo/ coconut buns.

Today we are learning on how to ask questions to help us understand. On the first slides there’s a video and we had to find the main concept of the video and answer the questions that were given to us.The bottom slides are a Traditional dish from our culture, which I chose Pani popo which is a Samoan dish, and Has a recipe and the ingredients at the end. Here’s the positive quote for this week “Life is a long lesson in humility.” Have an AMAZING day/night of afternoon!

The Story of Matariki/10 facts about Matariki.

Today for reading we are learning and understanding more about Matariki since it’s a nation holiday. There are some articles and questions on the slides and the poster is just 10 facts you might not know about Matariki. Here is the positive quote for today “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.”  Have a great day/night or afternoon!

Time for time!

Today we are learning how to tell the time in am/pm and 24 hours, and what was the difference between them. On the first 2 slides are examples of what a 24 hour clock and am/pm.Here is the positive quote for today “Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” Hope you have a great day/night or afternoon!

For Sale!

Hello everyone today for writing  we are learning about persuasive writing.We had to pick something from our homes and  try to sale it, I pick cookies and their very delicious! Here is the first positive quote for this week “Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” Hope you have a great day/night or afternoon!