Narrative Writing part 1.

One day Ema decided to go on a hike through the tropical amazon rainforest.  Ema is and adventurous person that has long dark hair that’s always in a back ponytail. She’s known for always dragging her friends in to all sorts of things. One day when she was on her hiking path when she came across a old path that looked like it hasn’t been used for years, she went down it not knowing what was yet to come. As she walked down she started to notice an eerie feeling coming from the within the path ahead,But she ignored it and kept on walking because she LOVED adventures.A few minutes past and she could see something up ahead “Is it a light?” she said, as she walked closer to the light she didn’t notice that there was a trap on the ground “THUMP! OUCH!”.As she landed on her ankle she didn’t know what to do because she has only broken her left arm then twisted her right shoulder she has never hurt her legs before. As she crawled to one of the walls it felt damp, but as she was trying to get up she cut herself. With both a rolled ankle and cut she was in a LOT of pain she looked left and right,up and down she tried to see where she fell but the sky fell dark fast and she didn’t know whats going to happen. Not long after she heard people yelling her name but she wasn’t loud enough all of a sudden it started to snow. She was cold, lost, and sad the voices started to fade even if she yelled back no one could hear her, she was Never found… To be continue( maybe)

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